Additional Bandwidth
Site traffic growing? Increase your bandwidth limit to ensure visitors' ability to see your site.
At Verio, the term "bandwidth" refers to the total amount of information that has been served to visitors from your site during a given month. Verio allows a certain amount of bandwidth usage each month, based on your hosting plan.
Every file on your website has a size (e.g., 24K); and every time a file is downloaded by a visitor, your bandwidth usage goes up by that amount.
If you currently exceed or expect to exceed your bandwidth limit, you will need to purchase additional bandwidth.
$0.00 for 1 extra gigabyte per month.
$5.00 for 5 extra gigabytes per month.
$10.00 for 10 extra gigabytes per month.
Getting Started
- Click the "Get Started" button next to the amount of bandwidth you want to purchase, log in (if you haven't already) and complete the sign-up form.
- Your new bandwidth limit should take effect within a few minutes and will be visible in graphical and numerical form in your Members Area.